Sonntag, Januar 15

My week in pictures - two

I once made a little post about my week with pictures from my phone
 and because you liked it I thought why not give it another try 
by also including pictures from my camera.

So here we start with Sunday the 9th of January
where Florian & I had our second little shooting for the concept store
 in our town ( a few photos as a little preview for you!). 
Luckily we could shoot in front of this little cabin I absolutely fell in love with.

A little kiss when we finished our project! ; )

 On our way back home it started to snow so intense and beautifully, but we almost couldn't 
feel our feet anymore.. 
 We enjoyed some warming dinner at his parents and walked home late at
night on the empty streets and in the park all covered in snow... Oh how I missed 
all this white everywhere! : )

 Monday: The next day started very calm with sleeping long, 
eating grapefruits and admiring 
these beautiful bouquet of flowers. : ) 

Preparing orders while Willow took a nap next to me

And edited the pictures from yesterday's shoot before we went out to
run some errands in the city

But Willow woke up and didn't really wanted us to go ; )
... but we had to!

We went on a little date at our favorite Burger bar 

And walked to the post office to send out all orders from the weekend

we also bought some fruits, because we both were in the mood of it after this big burger lunch, hehe! ; )

They finally had bloodoranges in the stores ( one of my favorite fruits) so I was excited to enjoy one with a cup of
warm peppermint tea and our new candle in bed.

The next morning also started with fruits, but in yoghurt and granola this time, sticker cutting
for the shop on the side 

And with little Willow wanting breakfast too ( always with these beautiful big amber eyes : ) )

Then we decided to go for a long walk in the snowy forest that turned into a pretty 
lovely adventure! 

Of course I forgot my hat so I had to use my scarf instead. ; )

The open fields full of snow invited us to make the most wonderful
snow angel couple, hehe!

We also had some tea with us 

then we arrived at the most beautiful sunny spot! 

Back home we made delicious summer rolls ( not very suitable to the weather tough ;) )
with peanut sauce!

I answered letters, had more tea

and also baked a little bread for dinner!

The next day also started with baking, but this
time with something a little sweeter!

It was this cozy type of day and Willow enjoyed that too! : )

I also finally got my film developed so I spent my evening scanning and editing, preparing 
blog posts and working for my shop

was a little more adventurous and full of yummy food! But it seems like
most of my pitures on this post here are food related! ; )

Then I prepared many many orders

... And also letters while Florian made lunch for us! curry this time! : )

I continued wrapping all orders before we went to the post office and had a nice walk
trough our city that was still covered in snow -  at least a little!

The it was time for food again! Waffles with cherries for me
and cream cheese tarte with cranberries for my boy, mhh!

We also spent some time at the antique store and I found three beautiful things!

Just before we went to see La La Land with lots 
of tears and laughter.

was also a cozy one!

I prepared lunch for my dear friend and her little baby that visited us for lunch and the afternoon

Willow was also interested in watching me cutting the vegetables! ; ) The rest of the day I spent working on new things, that's
why I forgot to record any of it with my camera... 


started with these beautiful flowers. It's nice when the post man thinks it's your birthday! ; )

Florian had to work all day so I decided to walk to the second hand shop to look
after some glass for hyazinths.
But then it started to rain and to snow so I tried to cover
myself with all I had: my scarf. : ) 

And! There was a letter from Anna in my post box that took almost
one month to arrive.  I tried to read it on my walk, but
it was too snowy so I saved it for my tram ride home. :) 

Happily I found some nice jars so I went on buying the flowers and had to resist buying
more than I planned.

Back home I warmed some soup and put the flowers in the jars. I love how it looks!

I was in such a cozy mood that I decided to bake some chocolate
chip cookies. They turned out fine, but I haven't found the perfect recipe yet. Any tips?

Eating the cookies in bed will be the last picture of this post,
because then I wrapped orders until late at night. 
I hope you enjoyed these little moments and
I would love to hear your thoughts
about it! 

Let's have another good week!

14 Kommentare:

  1. Oh so many beautiful moments. This would be anyone's dream life. How truly blessed you are to live like this. But it seems you are economically independent and don't have to work for a living like most of us have to, so that makes it even more of a dream for the rest of us. So thank you for sharing all this!

    1. Thank you for your words! <3 But I have to make clear that I don't have a dream life. I have a lot of sad moments in my daily life, but in the new year
      I want to concentrate more on the positive things and this week was kind of a little start for me. I'm not really economically independent, I just have my
      own business which I am happy for, but it's also basically a 24/7 job and sometimes hard to handle and of course I have to look that I earn and save enough money for a living. So I think both sides have their good and bad. But I'm very happy that my photographs could show you a little happiness. <3

  2. Wieder so schöne Bilder! Es sieht immer so mega gemütlich bei euch aus :)
    Ich habe mich auch gerade gefragt, ob du nie zur Uni gehen musst, aber es sind ja gerade Semesterferien (also hier zumindest). Außerdem macht man ja lieber Fotos von den schönen Dingen. Mir gefällt eure Tagesgestaltung und die Dinge, die ihr/du unternehmt. :) Ins Kino würde ich auch so gerne mal wieder. War ich schon ewig nicht mehr. Mich würde mal ein Post interessieren, wie dein Leben aussieht, wenn du Stress/Sorgen hast oder wie du damit umgehst.

    1. Dankeschön! Wir versuchen es uns super gemütlich zu machen! :)
      Hihi, ich bin mittlerweile sogar fertig mit meinem Studium und jetzt selbstständig, da kann ich mir meine Zeit also noch besser selber einteilen. :)
      Ohja, ab ins Kino mit dir! Ich finde Kino einfach großartig, besonders die kleinen feinen Programmkinos!
      Ich habe auch schon über so einen Post nachgedacht, bin mir aber sehr unsicher ob ich das wirklich mit so vielen Menschen teilen kann.

  3. ganz wundervolle eindrücke! ich finde das format total toll.
    alles liebe. Monika

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Moni! Vielleicht wird es in Zukunft öfter sowas geben, aber vielleicht eher wenn irgendwas schönes oder spannendes ansteht! : )

  4. Deine Bilder und Worte - wie ein kleines Tagebuch, in das ich reinlesen und gucken darf. Ganz ganz wundervoll. Ich mag deine kleinen Momente sehr - solche Momente machen das Leben ja erst lebenswert. Ich kenne den Kampf mit dem Leben an sich, wenn vieles nicht gut läuft und Sorgen einen bedrücken. Es ist daher umso stärker, die kleinen Momente dazwischen so zu schätzen wie du es tust. Das kleine Glück finden . . . das ist so viel wert!

    1. Vielen vielen Dank für diese lieben Worte! <3
      Das Leben ist schon ein ganz schönes Auf und Ab! Ich freue mich die kleinen schönen Momente hier mit euch teilen zu können! : )

  5. I enjoyed it! Do such stories sometimes :)

  6. Ahh, beautiful photographs! I really enjoyed peeking into your week through these photos :)


Hello you! Thank you for stopping to write a few thoughts.
If you ask a question I will answer directly amongst the comments.