Donnerstag, Oktober 25

A new home - a new place & yummy treats // + Playlist


It's almost been a whole month since I moved cities. A new home, new places
and paths, new cafés and meadows, a whole new feeling.
It can be hard to feel comfortable when everything is new and you don't
know so many people that can help you feeling welcome.
So for me it was all about using autumn's gifts and turn them into
yummy treats. I took the last carrots with me from the garden and they
became the most delicious carrot cake with walnuts and hazelnuts. 

I also enjoyed the last beetroot and apples from the garden
before my aunt and dad treated me with some more fruits
and vegetables from their garden. Pears, plums, apples, more beetroot and 
more carrots, pumpkin, garlic, walnuts, apple juice, cabbage turnip
and black radish. 

So every morning could start with something delicious
and on other days I prepared a quiche with pumpkin and mushrooms for
lunch or a danish with plums as a treat as well as an apple cake 
for my brothers birthday with sweet cinnamon crumble. 
Other mornings were very slow and perfect for over night oats and porridge
such as this warming one with roasted bananas and apples.

But it was also about finding my own green places. 
A meadow that became mine, a river and stones that became mine, a picnic place that
became mine, 
cats I meet daily on the streets or that I watched being cozy on the window sill in other homes. 
Willow slowly started to make this home into his too after
having trouble with the noises, brightness and new scents. 
Now he has his place by the window and on the blanket
if he doesn't go back to bed with me. 


5 Kommentare:

  1. the pictures are so calm and beautifull, love it!! & aaahh Willow is so cute!!

  2. Loved your pictures and your playlist*

  3. I absolutely love your blog, texts and pictures.
    You are so good with words, and your pictures are so simple, yet so beautiful and nice!
    Have a lovely day.

  4. Maria KrasnyOktober 29, 2018

    liebe Tina, ich mag deine Posts immer sehr! Alles Gute für den Neuanfang in Leipzig ;). Da will ich auch gern eines Tages wohnen.

  5. Such a beautiful place to call home. And, I wish I could make food as good as yours looks xx

    Natalie |


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