Montag, Januar 30

A little piece of winter sun - Lemon Tarte Recipe

Since I tasted my firtst piece of Lemon Tarte I wanted to make
one by myself. So today when my friend came to visit me I decided
to bake one for her! 

What you will need:

For the dough:

60 gramm butter
15 gramm grounded almonds
35 gramm powdered sugar
1 egg yolk
120 g flour
   a little bit of salt and vanilla

For the filling:
180 gramms sugar (depends on how sour you like it! )
180 gramm butter
3 eggs
3 egg yolks 
180 ml fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon of lemon peel

The dough
+ Mix the soft butter with the powdered sugar and also add in the vanilla and salt

+ Add sugar and the flour and almonds later

+ make a dough out of it and roll it
 out until it's almost the size of your tarte dish

+ Let it rest for one hour in your fridge

+ bake it at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes
( mine got a little too dark ;) ) and let it cool

The Filling
+ Simply mix all the ingredients in a pot on a 
medium high heat

+ be careful and keep combining
everything with your spoon until it starts to get thicker

+ put your filling inside the tarte base 
and let it rest for 2 hours in the fridge


2 Kommentare:

  1. Der Kuchen sieht einfach zu lecker aus! Hoffentlich schaffe ich es die Tage ihn mal auszuprobieren, bin nämlich großer Fan von Zitrusfrüchten, egal in welcher Form :)

    Liebe Grüße
    Eleonora von from the outset // personal lifestyle blog

  2. Ich war letztens auf deinem wunderschönen Blog unterwegs und werde heute den Kuchen backen!
    Hast du für die Füllung nur das Eigelb verwendet oder das komplette Ei?
    Sommerliche Grüße und ganz viel Sonne aus Erfurt! :))


Hello you! Thank you for stopping to write a few thoughts.
If you ask a question I will answer directly amongst the comments.